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Greencard articles 4

American Green Card Lottery Requirements

When you enroll in the green card lottery, there are a few requirements that you must meet in order to gain eligibility. These are not impossible, nor do they require anything special of you. They are simple and easy to follow, and if you go through the processes correctly, then you will be able to go on and become, in time, a full fledged American citizen.

Firstly, you must come from a country that is eligible to submit candidates to the green card lottery. The American government is interested in a plurality of nationalities participating each year in the lottery; hence it gives out different quotas to each country. There are some countries that are not eligible at all to participate. Check if yours is. Another of the requirements is that of education or occupation. You must have at least a high school equivalent of a diploma or two years experience in a field of work that requires at least two years training or experience.

Once you meet these requirements, then you will be able to enroll in the American Green Card Lottery. As you can see, these are not difficult to meet, and the green card lottery is open to almost everyone. Presented by the American Green Card Editorial Team

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